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Frequently Asked Questions




  • What is behavioral therapy? Behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing unhealthy behaviors and patterns. It aims to help individuals develop healthier coping strategies, improve emotional regulation, and achieve their desired goals.

  • What are the key principles of behavioral therapy? The key principles of behavioral therapy include identifying and targeting specific behaviors, setting clear goals, utilizing evidence-based techniques, promoting self-monitoring and self-awareness, and reinforcing positive changes through rewards and positive reinforcement.

  • How does behavioral therapy work? Behavioral therapy works by helping individuals understand the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Therapists assist clients in identifying negative or maladaptive behaviors and replacing them with healthier alternatives. Techniques such as cognitive restructuring, behavior modification, and exposure therapy may be used to bring about positive changes.

  • What conditions or issues can be treated with behavioral therapy? Behavioral therapy is effective in treating a wide range of conditions and issues, including anxiety disorders, phobias, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), substance abuse, eating disorders, sleep disorders, and relationship difficulties.

  • What is life coaching? Life coaching is a collaborative process that focuses on empowering individuals to set and achieve personal and professional goals. Life coaches provide guidance, support, and accountability to help clients clarify their visions, overcome obstacles, and create action plans for success.

  • How does life coaching differ from therapy or counseling? While therapy and counseling primarily focus on addressing and resolving emotional and psychological issues, life coaching is more future-oriented and goal-driven. Life coaches work with clients who are generally mentally healthy and seek personal development, improved performance, and enhanced well-being.

  • What can I expect from a life coaching session? In a life coaching session, you can expect open and non-judgmental conversations with your coach. They will help you clarify your goals, explore your strengths and values, identify limiting beliefs or obstacles, and create a roadmap for achieving your desired outcomes. Coaches may assign exercises, provide feedback, and hold you accountable for taking action.

  • What areas of life can be addressed through life coaching? Life coaching can address various areas, including career development, relationships, health and well-being, personal growth, time management, work-life balance, stress management, and financial management. Coaches tailor their approach to meet the specific needs and goals of their clients.

  • How long does life coaching typically last? The duration of life coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some clients may only require a few sessions to address a specific issue or achieve a particular objective, while others may engage in more extended coaching relationships to support ongoing personal or professional growth. Sessions can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the client's preference and availability.

  • How do I choose a behavioral therapist or life coach? When choosing a behavioral therapist or life coach, consider their qualifications, experience, specialization, and approach to therapy or coaching. It's essential to find someone you feel comfortable with, as the therapeutic or coaching relationship relies on trust and rapport.

  • Do you accept insurance? Unfortunately, SVL does not accept insurance at this time. We offer a sliding schedule based on your ability to pay and income. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa, cash, and PayPal at this time.



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