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Why You Should Be Journaling Throughout The Holidays

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

The holidays are a magical time of year when many gather together with friends and family to reconnect and celebrate the season. While there are many reasons to love the holidays, it can also be overwhelming and, for some, a somber time of reflection. Whether you're full of excitement and wonder or can't wait until the season is through, journaling is a must during this time of year. There are so many benefits to writing down your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which is why mental health professionals highly recommend including journaling as a part of your everyday routine. Let's take a closer look at why you should be journaling throughout the holidays.

The Benefits Of Journaling

Journaling has many benefits for both your physical and mental health as it allows you to release built-up emotions and frustrations. In fact, a study on how journaling impacts mental health and well-being found that those who participated daily for one month had decreased mental distress and few depressive symptoms and anxiety with greater resiliency after only two months. Who knew that simply writing in a journal could have such a positive impact on your health?

Express Your Feelings

Although spending time with your friends and family is wonderful, it can also be extremely stressful. While it's not socially acceptable to scream at your Aunt Susan for telling you how to "correctly" set the table for the fifteenth time, you can vent it out in your journal. Journals provide a safe space to express your feelings without causing a family rift that will last for decades.

Capture Memories

Journaling doesn't have to focus on only the negative; it's a perfect way to capture memories you want to remember forever. Maybe your best friend surprised you and flew in from out of town, or you didn't burn a single dish; if it mattered and touched your heart, you'll want to write it down!

Set Goals

The holidays are the perfect time to set goals for the year ahead. You can use your journal to write down what you want to accomplish and use it throughout the year to hold yourself accountable. It's also great for providing motivation and a sense of pride as you achieve your dreams.


With so much emphasis put into gift-giving during the holidays, journaling can help you slow down and reflect on what really matters. Spending a few minutes every day to write down what you're grateful for and the ways you can help make the world a better place will give you a sense of meaning and purpose.

Choosing A Holiday Journal

When choosing a holiday journal, you should look for one with plenty of room to write down all your thoughts and feelings. It's always great to select options with inspirational quotes and images that will get you in the holiday spirit. Journals also make excellent gifts for all your family and friends. So, what are you waiting for? See how journaling can help make this holiday season your best one yet!

Tonya Hand

Surging Vibrations Lifestyle LLC

Licensed Clinical Therapist and

Self Care Life Coach

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